Games Workshop Battleforce Cities of Sigmar Founding Foray $427.50 1 Fusil-Major on Ogor2 Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy6 Freeguild Command corps10 Freeguild Fusiliers1 Ironweld Great Cannon5 Freeguild Cavaliers Add to Cart
Games Workshop Stormcast Eternals Stormreach Portal $148.50 This multipart plastic kit builds one Stormreach Portal – a piece of faction terrain for Stormcast Eternals armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. This stunning piece is used by Stormcast Eternals to redeploy across the battlefield and features... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Stormcast Eternals Stormstrike Palladors $117.00 This multipart plastic kit builds three Stormstrike Palladors – a unit of hard-hitting mounted warriors for Stormcast Eternals armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Each of these swift melee specialists can be armed with a choice of sword or lance. There... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Stormcast Eternals Iridan The Witness $211.50 This multipart plastic kit builds Iridan the Witness, mounted atop a deadly Morrgryph. This mighty Priest makes a stunning centrepiece for Stormcast Eternals armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They are armed with the Axe of the Final Threshold, a mighty... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Stormcast Eternals Ionus Cryptborn $252.00 This kit contains 48 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 100mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints. Add to Cart
Games Workshop Age of Sigmar Skaventide $477.00 Skaventide Box Set Includes: 24 Stormcast Eternals Miniatures 50 Skaven Miniatures 4 Terrain Features 2 Range Rulers Warhammer Age of Sigmar Rulebook Spearhead: Fire & Jade Book Double-sided Game Board Spearhead Card Deck General's Handbook Cards Add to Cart
Games Workshop Cities of Sigmar Freeguild Cavaliers $117.00 This multipart plastic kit builds five Freeguild Cavaliers, armoured human knights mounted on sturdy warhorses. Each Cavalier is protected by full plate armour and an ornate shield, swinging a variety of finely-wrought weapons to smash foes aside as they... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Cities of Sigmar Freeguild Steelhelms $101.00 This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Freeguild Steelhelms, the soldiers of the line for the Free Cities. Each Steelhelm is armed with a sturdy shield and a one-handed weapon such as a sword, axe, or mace. You can build one model as a veteran... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Cities of Sigmar Freeguild Fusiliers $107.00 This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Freeguild Fusiliers, accompanied by a Blackpowder Squire. Each Fusilier carries a huge pavise shield, on which they mount a fusil-cannon tipped with a bayonet. You can build one model as a Fusil-Sergeant, armed with... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Cities of Sigmar Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk $101.00 This multipart plastic kit builds one Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk – an expert gunnery officer, carried aloft by a brutish companion. The Fusil-Major watches the battlefield from atop their crow's nest, which bristles with gargoyles, blessings, and a... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Cities of Sigmar Pontifex Zenestra, Matriarch of the Great Wheel $126.00 This multipart plastic kit builds Pontifex Zenestra, the holy Matriarch of the Great Wheel. This mysterious but inspiring figure exudes the zealous fervour of Sigmar's faithful, sat atop an ornate palanquin decorated with gargoyles, censers, and symbols... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Cities of Sigmar Ironweld Great Cannon $101.00 his multipart plastic kit builds an Ironweld Great Cannon – a powerful war machine fielded by the Cities of Sigmar. This huge gun is mounted in a sturdy, wheeled wooden frame with a winch arm, locked in place by chains, ropes, and hammered posts. The... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Cities of Sigmar Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal $107.00 This multipart plastic kit builds a Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal, a knightly leader mounted on a sturdy warhorse. The Cavalier-Marshal cuts a dramatic figure in finely detailed plate armour, wielding a master-forged longsword with cape and pennant... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Freeguilds Tahlia Vedra Lioness of The Parch $282.50 This multipart plastic kit builds Tahlia Vedra, the Lioness of the Parch, mounted atop her roaring manticore Infernadine – a leonine beast with a scorpion's tail and powerful wings. Tahlia herself can be assembled wearing a full-face helmet or her crown... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Seraphon Skink Starseer $107.00 This multipart plastic kit builds a Skink Starseer – an arcane astrologer riding atop a floating palanquin. The kit can build a Starseer in two different poses – one standing in a feathered cloak, and the other sat down with robes pooling around them... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Seraphon Slann Starmaster $162.00 This multipart plastic kit builds a Slann Starmaster – a toad-like mage-priest seated atop a floating palanquin. The Starmaster visibly exudes ancient wisdom and magical power, and the kit includes a huge variety of customisation options to make them... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Idoneth Deepkin Akhelian Thrallmaster $56.00 This multipart plastic kit builds one Akhelian Thrallmaster, a flexible support Hero for Idoneth Deepkin. Clad in the roguish, flowing outfit of a noble exile, this well-traveled noble is bristling with exotic weaponry and accompanied by a snapjaw eel... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Fyreslayers Auric Flamekeeper $56.00 This multipart plastic kit builds one Auric Flamekeeper, a funerary support Hero and Totem for Fyreslayer armies. Garbed in his sacred salamander-skin cloak and stern death mask, this duardin bears aloft the burning Masterflame Rune in one hand and... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Vanguard Fyreslayers $223.00 This set includes the following multipart plastic models: – 1x Battlesmith– 5x Hearthguard Berzerkers, which can alternatively be built as Auric Hearthguard– 20x Vulkite Berzerkers All models are supplied with their appropriate bases. These miniatures... Add to Cart
Sale Games Workshop Warscroll Cards Fyreslayers 2022 $10.00 $52.00 Stay focused on the battle at hand with this essential set of reference cards, covering every single unit found in Battletome: Fyreslayers. You'll also get 28 tokens that will help you keep track of your myriad powerful abilities, including prayers,... Add to Cart
Sale Games Workshop Fyreslayers Dice Set 2022 $40.00 $71.00 Channel the fiery fervour of Grimnir with this set of dice inspired by the heat of his progeny, the Fyreslayers. This set includes 20 six-sided, round-edged dice that measure 16mm along each edge. They are cast in a roaring orange colour with white... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Stormcast Eternals Stormdrake Guard $220.50 This multipart plastic kit consists of 105 pieces and builds two Stormdrake Guard in several different poses, each able to equip either a drakerider's lance or warblade. It also provides options to construct one as a Knight-Draconis, a powerful Hero... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Stormcast Eternals Knight-Relictor $58.50 This 10 part plastic kit makes one Knight-Relictor and comes supplied with one 40mm Citadel Round base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and require assembly Add to Cart
Games Workshop Lumineth Realm-Lords Vanari Bannerblade $58.50 The kit is comprised of 12 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Vanari Bannerblade, and is supplied with 1x Citadel 40mm Round Base. Add to Cart
Games Workshop Lumineth Realm-Lords Hurakan Windmage $81.00 The kit is comprised of 21 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Hurakan Windmage, and is supplied with 1x Citadel 60mm x 35mm Oval Base. Add to Cart
Games Workshop Battletome Lumineth Realm-Lords 2021 $74.50 This 136-page hardback book contains: - Allegiance abilities for Lumineth Realm-lords, including a variety of battle traits - All the unit rules content from Broken Realms: Teclis - 3 spell lores - 3 battleplans that allow you to fight thrilling... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Lumineth Realm-Lords Vanari Bladelords $103.50 The kit is comprised of 48 plastic components, with which you can assemble 5 Vanari Bladelords, with an option for assembling one as a male or female Seneschal armed with a Sunmetal Greatblade or Sunmetal Dual Blades. These models are supplied with 5x... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Lumineth Realm-Lords Avalenor, the Stoneheart King $182.70 This kit builds Avalenor, the Stoneheart King. Alternatively, it can be used to build an Alarith Spirit of the Mountain. It is supplied in 87 plastic components and comes with a 100mm round base. Add to Cart
Games Workshop Lumineth Realm-Lords Alarith Stonemage $70.50 This kit builds one Alarith Stonemage. supplied in 13 plastic components and packaged with 1x 40mm round base. Add to Cart
Games Workshop Lumineth Realm-Lords Archmage Teclis and Celennar, Spirit of Hysh $280.50 This set contains Teclis and Celennar, Spirit of Hysh, a single miniature supplied in 70 plastic components with 1x 160mm round base. Add to Cart
Games Workshop Lumineth Realm-Lords Vanari Auralan Wardens $97.70 This kit builds 10 Auralan Wardens in a variety of interchangeable and customisable designs. With various weapons, shields, helms and accessories, you'll be able to ensure that your pike block looks distinct. This kit also contains option to build one... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Lumineth Realm-Lords Scinari Cathallar $49.30 This set is supplied in 12 plastic components and includes a 32mm round base. Add to Cart
Games Workshop Daughters of Khaine Witch Aelves $81.00 This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a set of 10 Witch Aelves. They wear lightweight, minimal armour in order to move and flow more freely in their devotional bloodlust – what armour is there is beautifully ornate,... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Fyreslayers Hearthguard $76.50 A multi-part plastic box set that makes 5 miniatures that can be assembled as either Fyreslayer Auric Hearthguard or Hearthguard Berserkers. The Auric Hearthguard are armed with a polearm with a ranged attack.The Hearthguard Berzerkers are armed with two... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Stormcast Eternals Stardrake $282.50 A huge multipart plastic kit that makes one Stardrake one of the most deadly monsters in the Age of Sigmar ridden by either a Lord-Celestant or a Drakesworn Templar. This miniature is massive standing at 15cm tall and 20cm long and presented on a 170mm... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Evocators $84.00 This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 5 Stormcast Eternals Evocators. Each of the 5 is clad in Stormcast Eternals armour, with cloaks, tabards and ornate helms denoting their status as lightning-empowered shock troops... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Sequitors $105.40 This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 10 Stormcast Eternals Sequitors. Specialising in the despatch of the ethereal enemies that haunt the mortal Realms, they wield stormsmite mauls and soulshields, or tempest blades... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Kharadron Overlords Arkanaut Ironclad $221.50 This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Arkanaut Ironclad. Befitting its status as the flagship of a Kharadron skyfleet, this model is of an impressive size, and is absolutely covered in weaponry. For a main gun,... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Kharadron Overlords Skyriggers/SkyWardens $94.50 This kit makes either Endrinriggers or Skywardens – you’re going to want at least one set of each. Mizzenmaster, Custodian and special weapon options mean no two units need be the same. The new flying bases feature adjustable angles – these guys can be... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Idoneth Deepkin Akhelian Allopex $76.50 This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Akhelian Allopex. A large, fierce-looking bond-beast with a shark-like silhouette, its fins are modified with sharp blades and its head and eyes covered with metal armour, to... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Idoneth Deepkin Isharann Tidecaster $47.50 This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Isharann Tidecaster. Standing atop a large, fallen aelven ruin (the head of a statue, featuring a carved ruin on the forehead), she is posed very much in the manner of a... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Idoneth Deepkin Namarti Reavers $84.00 This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 10 Namarti Reavers. Clad in less-ornate armour than their commanders and superiors, as befits their withering souls and disposable nature, they still cut impressive figures – each... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Idoneth Deepkin Akhelian Morrsarr Guard $96.50 This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 3 Morsarr Guard. Each is mounted on a Fangmora Eel, a lithe, sinuous bond-beast controlled by the armoured blinders and reins attached to their heads, attacking with their fanged... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Idoneth Deepkin Eidolon of Mathlann $182.70 Idolised echoes of a bygone era, the Eidolons of Mathlann are summoned to life in times of dire need. These are no divine avatars, however, but collective manifestations of the ancestral souls of the Idoneth Deepkin, spirits of vengeance wrapped in the... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Daughters of Khaine Melusai Blood Sisters $109.00 This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 5 Blood Sisters. The first thing you’re likely to notice about these miniatures is their legs, or rather their lack – reshaped in the image of their creator Morathi, everything... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Fyreslayers Vulkite Berzerkers $97.70 A multi part plastic box set that makes 10 Vulkite Berserkers mighty warriors giifted with ur-gold runes which make them shrug off wounds that would slay a normal warrior.Vulkite berserkers can be armed with a variety of weapons - axes, picks and shields... Add to Cart