Games Workshop Orruk Warclans Manifestations $101.00 The mighty Foot of Gork is brutality made manifest – a vast green foot formed of magic that squashes anything beneath it flat. The jaws of a Gork-Roara spew forth the destructive magic of the Waaagh! to be absorbed by Shamans. Morkspit Marshes are... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Orruk Warclans Bossrokk Tower $112.00 This multipart plastic kit builds one Bossrokk Tower terrain piece for use in Orruk Warclans armies in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. When your leader climbs to the top, they'll feel like a proper boss, able to yell insults at enemies and inspire your... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Orruk Warclans Hobgrot Slittaboss $63.00 This multipart plastic kit allows you to build a Hobgrot Slittaboss for use in Orruk Warclans armies in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They're great for inspiring their underlings and thanks to sneaky underhand tactics, and no shortage of toxins,... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Spearhead Orruk Warclans Ironjawz Bigmob $259.00 This box contains 19 plastic miniatures with various build options, saving you money compared to buying the contents separately. It's an ideal way to start an Orruk Warclans army or easily add to an existing collection. These miniatures represent a... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Orruk Warclans Ardboy Big Boss $66.50 This multipart plastic kit builds an Ardboy Big Boss, a heavy-handed commander of the Ironjawz clans. This hulking orruk is armed with a boss-hacka polearm and jagged choppa – all the better for bashing and butchering any foes who test his might. His... Add to Cart
Games Workshop Orruk Warclans Hobgrot Slittaz $89.00 This push-fit kit comprises 98 components, with which allows you to build 20 Hobgrots armed with slittaz, as well as grenades and armour they have acquired from duardin traders. There are multiple build options within the kit, with a variety of head... Add to Cart